It is for that reason, if you feel you may have these symptoms you should take note and schedule an appointment with your physician so that he can decide if this disorder is the cause for your indicators or not.

In identifying narcolepsy symptoms, one of the most common signs is that you have a lot of sleepiness in the middle of the day. Even if you were able to get a full night’s sleep, a sluggish, sad and exhausted feeling that overcomes you in the daytime, forcing you to have to nap to feel better can be a indication of the disorder. Many also notice that their sleep at night becomes continuously disturbed, as though you were suffering from insomnia, it is always a battle to fall back to sleep after you have woken up too. This consistently uncomfortable sleep at night can also attribute to your the tired and sluggish feeling in midday as well, which can be dangerous. Narcolepsy symptoms have a great impact on a patient’s quality of life. Learn more here.

If you are noticing indications of cataplexy in the daytime, this is just another way of identifying narcolepsy symptoms you may be suffering from. This is the process of the muscles in the body stopping to function as they generally would, causing the person to fall on the ground. While this symptom can alter in severity depending on the individual, they can persist for seconds or the full time period sleep is induced. Respiratory functioning will not be affected if cataplexy set in, so there is no risk to loss of life.

For those individuals that may be identifying narcolepsy symptoms, hypnagogic hallucinations are common in about 60% of sufferers typically coupled with difficult nighttime sleeping. These hallucinations can be tactile, auditory and even visual and are similar to what would be a real-life dream, but they happen at a time when the individual is in between the state of awake and asleep. There is no known cure, but there are some steps a person can take to improve the condition naturally. You may visit here.

Even if you realize that you are only suffering from one of the symptoms of this sleeping disorder, it is important to remember that you could still have a positive diagnosis. If you need to know more about the issue, here you can always find out at wikipedia.